Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mt. Charleston

We woke up bright an early this morning and dressed Mackenzie and Mason up in their snow gear. I never realized how difficult it was to put a snow bib, snow boots, mittens, and a hat on a 10 month old kickin' and wigglin'! With much anticipation, we headed for some fun in the snow. However, we were a little disappointed with our annual trip to Mt. Charleston. Since it hasn't snowed in over a week, there wasn't much powder and most of the snow we did find was pretty much frozen over. Nevertheless, the kids had a good time playing and trying to make snowballs and we also found a perfect spot for sledding and making snow angels the next time we visit. We can't wait to head back up there again, so we can enjoy some fresh powder after the next storm, if we ever get one!

Mackenzie's Special Kisses

It has been fun watching Mackenzie and Mason interact with each other. As Mason gets older, we have noticed them playing more together and him seeking out his sister to "play". Mackenzie is a loving and caring big sister. She enjoys giving "special kisses", her version of "raspberries" to her brother. I finally got it on video with Mason laughing while trying to get away.

Welcome 2009!

Cheers to 2009!