Monday, August 24, 2009

Mackenzie is a KINDERGARTENER!

Ready for her first day of school, Mackenzie was packing her Tinkerbell backpack a good 20 minutes before we left the house. She couldn't wait for her First Day of Kindergarten!
Mackenzie and Daddy walk a whole 50 steps to school! Mackenzie is attending the elementary school around the corner from our house. She is enrolled in an All-day Kindergarten class. I also taught 5th grade at this school 3 years ago when we moved to Vegas. It is comforting to know that she will be with a wonderful and caring staff. I know my friends/colleagues will take good care of her!

Mackenzie stops in front of the Kindergarten playground. She can't wait to play at recess with her new friends. She's been eyeing the playground all summer!

Mrs. Kennedy is Mackenzie's teacher.

Mackenzie gets ready for Circle Time. She's ready for a fun-filled day of Kindergarten!